Cannabis Gardening: Autoflower Seedlings


Cannabis Gardening: Autoflower Seedlings

nano grow autoflower seedling

Autoflower seedlings: After Germination

It is during the first weeks that autoflower seedlings make or break their entire cycle. From the moment the seed absorbs moisture and comes to life it is on a clock. Roughly twenty-one days from sprout it will cease to be a seedling and will enter the pre-flower stage. Some potentially super-sized autoflower seedlings will mature before flowering and experience an extended veg window. These super autos can delay the start of flower up to over forty days from sprout! These are the exception to the rule however, with most autoflower varieties bred for speed. With such a short time between sprout and flower, it is no wonder taking proper care of your autoflower seedlings is critical.

topped autoflower seedling

Autoflower Seedling: Topping

Ask three different people about topping your autoflower seedlings, and you will likely get three different answers. The truth is, with the breeding of autoflowers evolving so quickly, the rules are constantly changing. One thing is sure though. As long as you aren’t working with an ultra-fast variety, topping your plants is easy when timed right.

So, when would the right time be? That depends on how many branches you want, and if you want your plant to be wide or tall. Topping a plant spreads its flower weight across multiple branches instead of one main cola. If you leave two nodes the plant will have four main branches. Three nodes, six branches. The more branches, the wider the plant will grow to spread light among them. We suggest topping as early as possible to secure the desired number of branches. We do not suggest topping above the fifth node on autoflower seedlings, as they have grown past the optimum point, and will produce more weight if grown naturally with leaf tucking and some potential low stress training. (LST)

Autoflower Seedlings: Watering

One of the easiest ways to visualize your plants root system is to imagine the plant upside down. As complex as it is above the soil, there is an equally beautiful and complex network below. Using the germination methods described in our earlier post found here “Triumph Herbal Concepts K.I.S.S. guide” you want to give just enough water without leaving the roots damp. This requires allowing the soil to dry completely between watering. It is important to note that there is a difference between dry and desiccated. You want to let the soil get fully dry to the touch without giving up all its moisture. Letting the soil become too dry will kill the small feeder roots the plant uses to absorb nutrients. It can also make the soil hydrophobic, or just plain refuse to take water correctly.

When you water your autoflower seedlings, pour the water around the edge of where the leaves reach. This encourages faster root expansion, and in turn faster growth above the soil. For that first week it can seem slow going, but the plant is always hard at work building the root zone, even when you don’t see it.


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